The purpose of this assignment was to apply the key concepts of camerawork and camera movement from our storyboard into a video production. We were to produce 3-7 second videos illustrating six chosen camera movements from our storyboard. Our videos had to establish mise en scene elements like setting, acting, set design, composition, hair and makeup, lighting, tone, color, and costumes.
Me and Brandon took turns being the camera person during the filming of the videos. We used an I phone 13 pro. We also took turns acting and being recorded.
Tilt- Tilt camera movements direct a camera upward or downward. Camera tilts can be used to give a character dominance in a shot or to reveal new information to the audience.
Action Line: Student walking up the stairs of the piper theater.
What's going on in this video clip is a student is walking up the stairs of the school's theater. The point of this clip is to showcase the student walking to their destination. I feel like a tilt movement is appropriate for this specific scene since the camera will tilt upwards as the person is walking up the stairs which will create a following effect.
Tracking- A tracking shot is any shot that physically moves the camera through the scene for an extended amount of time.
Action Line: Student opening the door of the theater.
What's going on in this video clip is a student is opening the door leading to the inside the theater/auditorium. The point of this clip is to better show where the person is walking to. I feel like a tracking movement is appropriate for this scene since its a common movement used to follow a travelling subject.
Pan- The camera pan directs a camera horizontally left or right.
Action Line: Student outside the theater walking towards item.
What's going on in this video clip is a student is by the theater walking towards an item placed on the ticket booth. The point of this clip is to rise curiosity from the audience on the new item. Pans can be motivated by a character’s actions and can also be used to reveal new information to the audience. It's because of this that I feel camera pan is the most appropriate camera movement for this scene.
Zoom- Zooms change the focal length of a camera lens to either zoom in or zoom out the size of a subject in the frame.
Static- A static shot has no camera movement at all.
Action Line: Teacher is at their desk grading papers.
What's going on in this video clip is a "teacher" outside the theater is grading papers. The point of this clip is to direct attention to another viewpoint/person. The stability of a static shot makes it non-distracting and easier for the audience to focus on the acting of the teacher which is why this camera movement fits this scene the best.
Whip Pan: Pans done quickly with speed.
Action Line: Student lunges and attacks teacher.
What's going on in this clip is the student who now has a weapon is attacking a teacher with the knife. The point of this clip is to showcase the conflict this audience has been waiting for. Whip pans add energy to a shot and can be used to establish a more energetic connection between two characters which is why this camera movement best fits the scene.
The least complicated camera technique was tracking. For tracking, all the camera had to do was follow the subject, which is simple and took one try to get it right. The most difficult camera technique to demonstrate was the whip pan. Whip pans can easily look silly depending on how fast/ slow you shake the camera and took many tries to finally give it the action vibe we were looking for. The experience of working with my partner was positive. This activity was our first time experimenting filming and using camera movements which gave us a better idea for how we want out movie to go. It was also through this assignment that we decided to use my phone for the filming of our movie.
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