Friday, November 11, 2022

Introduction to Storyboarding Camera Framing

 What is camera framing?
-One/Single Shot #1
-Two Shot #2
-Three Shot #3
-Four Shot #4
-Crowd Shot #5
-Point of View #6
-Over the shoulder Shot #7
-Insert Shot #8
The objective of this assignment was to create a storyboard that defines the action or description lines and illustrate a simple drawing on a hard copy worksheet provided to represent each of the above key concepts.

What did I learn?
This assignment taught me how to develop a storyboard to plan and apply the techniques used to create camera framing in their respective categories. Before this assignment, I had never drawn an original storyboard with different camera framing and labels. The camera framing terms I learned can definitely be used when we start making our film, especially because my film is going to have more than one person in the frame. This assignment allowed me to get really creative and have fun with color.

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Creative Critical Reflection

  My creative critical reflection! I loved putting this PowerPoint together and making it match the film created with our group.