Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Preliminary Exercise 2: Barthes’ Theory Semiotic Analysis of The Hunger Games Catching Fire Table 2

The objective of this assignment was to select 3 visual signs from "The Hunger Games Catching Fire" movie clip provided (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dM1ABOZQ8Po). We were to analyze and document the denotative meaning for each of the signs selected as well as write two connotative meanings for each with the following parameters:
-emotional overtones
-objective interpretation
-social values
-media consumption experience
-ideological assumptions.  
The first sign I chose was lighting, since it really stuck out to me while watching the clip.
The denotative meaning of lighting is how light is used by the cinematographer and director. Lighting allows filmmakers to capture an image in the first place.
Connotative signs are:
-The almost blinding spotlight is put on Katniss to accentuate her center-of-attention to the crowd but nervousness to the viewers.
-Red/Orange background lighting before the pregnancy reveal signifies the anger and power within Katniss and Peeta.

The second sign I chose was camera angles. The denotative meaning of camera angles is the way the camera is positioned in relation to the actors and how this then comes across on the screen when watching the film.
Connotative signs are:
-When the camera angle is positioned close to Katniss' face, it accentuates the tension in the scene as well as the sadness on her face.
-The camera angle at one point is zoomed in on a past competitors missing hand to gain sympathy from viewers.

The third sign I chose was sound/music. The denotative meaning of sound/music is the emphasizing of particular sounds over others because they are significant for the narrative.
Connotative signs are:
-Cheering crowd with no music in the beginning to show the crowd's support for the showcase.
-Inspirational music towards the end of the video to showcase the rising revolution or statement being made by the Katniss, Peeta, and past competitors.

What did I learn?
This assignment has taught me how to better analyze film from different perspectives. Analyzing signs of a movie clip through connotative and denotative means is a lot harder than analyzing still drawings since different factors like lighting and sound come in to play. This assignment proved to be harder than the last preliminary exercise but was a lot more interesting and overall enjoyable.

Monday, September 19, 2022

Preliminary Exercise 1: Barthes’ Theory of Denotative and Connotative Signs Semiotic Analysis Table 1

What are signs?
Signs are the way we make sense of everything around us.
What is a denotation?
A denotation is the literal or original meaning of a sign. The sign is also called the signifier.
What is a connotation?
Connotation communicates meaning based on the context. This is when signs have multiple meanings. The connotation is known as the signified.

The purpose of this assignment was to pick three out of six images and analyze each sign and document the denotative meaning for each. The other task was to document four connotative meanings for each with two meanings based on these factors:
-emotional overtones
-objective interpretation
-social values
-media consumption experience
-ideological assumptions
Two meanings were to be based on historical context in film or other media such as print.

The first example is an image of a cat. The denotative sign is a black cat, since that is exactly what it is. 
The connotative signs are:
Bad luck- There is a stigma against black cats that if one crosses your path, it means bad luck.
Witches- Black cats are usually paired with witches in media since they share a similar aesthetic (example- Sabrina the witch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QcaUwq-LQXk).
Halloween- Pumpkins, candy corn, and black cats are associated with Halloween and are always seen on decorations.
Good luck- There are religions that associate black cats with good luck. It's been said that if one walks towards you, it guarantees good luck.

The second example is an image of a rose. The denotative sign is a red rose.
The connotative signs are:
Love- Roses have always been known as the flower of love because of the shape and vibrant color.
Toxic- Roses can be interpreted as toxic love, the beautiful red petals distract you from the sharp spikes on the stem, a sign of symbolism.
Beauty & the Beast- the movie's main symbol is the rose, as it represents the life and growing love of the beast for Belle (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oa8PR8W7cLI).
Passion- the bright red petals of a rose give signals of passion and romance, they are often used in intimate movie scenes.

The third example is an image of a tree. The denotative sign is a big tree.
The connotative signs are:
-Life: Trees signify life because of how long the lifespan of a tree is. Also when I think of trees, the song "circle of life" from the movie "The Lion King" comes to mind (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17Lzds32L6I).
-Growth: Trees can grow hundreds of feet which is why trees often signify growth.
-Oxygen: Trees bring oxygen to the air, allowing us to breathe the fresh air.
-Wisdom: Trees and other scenery in nature is usually paired with old folklores with themes of wisdom.

What did I learn from this assignment?
This assignment taught me how to look at an image through different perspectives, those perspectives being denotative and connotative. I learned about the different ways an image can be interpreted based on personal, emotional, and social experiences. A sign can be one thing for one person, and another thing for another person, it all depends. This is completely different compared to denotative signs where the meaning is literal.
I had to dig deep in my mind to complete this assignment and think of what the image meant to me and how I perceived it, the drawings were also very fun to color and sketch, always love a good art-related assignment.

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Welcome to my AICE Media Studies Blog!

We consume media every day, whether that be through watching television, using our phones, or working with computers. I especially use media quite often, pretty much every day. We have come to a point in time where media is incorporated into almost everything we do, especially digital media. For example, people in my age group tend to use cellphones almost every day. We use cellphones to call, text, post on social media, and much more. This is why it's important to study media, to learn the different ways the world communicates with us through media. I especially find the group projects, film notes, and posters the most interesting factors in media studies, the class is like a creative outlet.

Now, I will be documenting an opening film on this blog. What type of film? I've always found the film "scary movie" to be very funny and entertaining. Taking inspiration from this, I'll be creating a comedy horror movie with the target audience being for teens and young adults. I want the film to look scary but make the audience laugh. I'll need to learn how to edit things like lighting, sound, and camera angles throughout this course. The film will be ready to be released by the end of this year.

There are many strategies I will need when it comes to creating my film and documenting my blogging journey. The four most important skills I will be needing, however, are patience, dedication, creativity, and responsibility. Making a film, even if it's just an opening, is a lengthy process that takes time. Building onto your skills and knowledge of media, editing, and making the film requires patience, it's a lot to learn and do. It being such a long process, means being able to follow along every step of the way. You need to dedicate yourself in order to do so. What's the point of making a film if it's going to be plain? Creativity gets the mind going and you need to use it to come up with ideas for your film. Being responsible is also a big factor. Submitting assignments late, not keeping up with directions or just not being on top of things can mess with the whole process and make the journey to creating a film harder. All these success skills must be taken seriously in order to complete my component 1 blog with a high score.

Creative Critical Reflection

  My creative critical reflection! I loved putting this PowerPoint together and making it match the film created with our group.